Bandit and Canned Goods

Well, I learned the hard way not to leave food on my counters.   After losing a bag of nuts and a whole tin of hot cocoa (that was fun to clean up…), I make sure before I leave the house that all food is well out of reach….but what about canned food?   Shouldn’t be an issue, right?

Well, I had all my chili fixings on the counter, cans of beans, tomatoes, and of course, the Rotel diced tomotoes with chilies already chopped up – yum!    Well, I went out shopping – I know I was not gone more than 45 minutes, but when I came home all three kids met me at the door from the garage into the kitchen….and I saw it.  

The poor can of Rotel tomatoes and chilies after Bandit got ahold of it!

A can was lying on the floor.  At first, I thought it was an empty can of dogfood that I did leave on the sink.  But, after closer investigation, I saw it was a full can of something – the label was gone.  The remains of the label told me it was the Rotel.   The teethmarks in the can had pierced the can numerous times.  The liquid had obviously spilled out – and probably licked up too!   Hopefully, the picture does this justice.

All I could do was laugh….Bandit looked so innocent with his soft brown eye…but behind those eyes is a ruthless food thief…a bandit if you will!   So, what to do?  I made chili of course!   It was a little tough to open the can, but you shouldn’t waste food, right?

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