Mia and the Art of the Elegant Robbery….

Posted in Mia on February 23rd, 2009 by Carol – 93 Comments
Little Mia

Little Mia

Mia is such a character! I gave the boys a treat of Merrick Flossies (the dried beef tendons…mmm mmm good!).

They are too big (about 8″ long) and hard for Mia to chew on, so I gave her another treat. Well, Shelby immediately started working on his, but Bandit had learned his lesson. He had had his food stolen before, and had a plan. He started to walk around the house with it in his mouth, pausing at the door. I knew he wanted to go out, but it was really cold so I didn’t let him out immediately. So, he wandered around again, and went to the door and looked at me.   I finally gave in and let him out, thinking that he wanted to be alone and eat his prize.  Well, I did some chores, and Bandit started barking to come in.  I don’t exactly know long it was, but I just assumed he had eaten it, as Shelby was nearly done with his.

Well, after a while, they all wanted to go outside as usual, so I let them out.   When I let them back in, Mia whisked by me, but I noticed she had something in her mouth….it was about 8″ long, curly, and covered with snow.   As she took it to her hiding place under the bed, I realized it was Bandit’s Flossie!   Instead of eating it, Bandit had buried it for later, but obviously, did not hide it very well!   Mia was already in hiding, and Bandit was searching outside in the snow for his missing Flossie!

After I got everyone in, I traded Mia the Flossie for a Frosty Paws ice cream treat, gave Bandit back his Flossie, and gave Shelby another small one so that there would be no fighting.   So, the evening ended peacefully…but I won’t forget Mia trotting happily to her cave, with the treat nearly as long as her body in her mouth!

Bandit – Seizure Log

Posted in Bandit, Seizure on February 21st, 2009 by Carol – 24 Comments

Unfortunately,  Bandit had a series of seizures after I returned from WV.  The seizures started at 7:50 a.m and he actually had the seizure in bed with me.   The other dogs seem to know to stay away.

Baby Bandit

Baby Bandit

The seizure was short, but it is the recovery that is long.   I helped him out of bed and he stumbled around while I followed him.  He went into the bathroom, then fell down and had a second seizure.   He started to come out of it, then he went into a third seizure.    I called the emergency vet clinic, and they said I should bring him in.    I called Lilia to help me carry him to the car.

When she came over, Bandit had again started recovery.   He paced and stumbled, but he did not have another seizure.  I decided not to take him to the hospital, but I gave him some extra phenobarbital.   The entire episode lasted nearly one hour.

I called the Yorkville Animal Hospital, and they said he did not have any seizures when he was there.   Then, they said something that made sense – they said that after he has been excited or stressed, when an epileptic dog gets back to his calm home situation, that is when they have seizures.   

This has been the pattern – after Bandit has been excited, i.e. he is boarded somewhere while I am on a trip, when he gets home, he has the seizure!   His neurologist did say to give him additional phenobarbital when he is in a stressful situation.   I guess I didn’t think that boarding him at the Yorkville Animal Hospital would stress him.   But, now I know better…

The whole rest of the day, Bandit followed me around – even more than usual.   It was so funny – I would stand up and walk a few steps, with Bandit at my side.  I stop – he stops.   I walk a few steps, Bandit walks a few steps.  I stop, he stops!  It was so funny!

Bonding with Mia

Posted in Mia, West Virginia on February 20th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment

This was my last trip to West Virginia….it is actually kind of sad in a way.    I really grew to love that state and the people in it.   Even though I was there for work, I lived in an apartment there 2-3 weeks out of every month in 2008, so I really got to know the area.

Mia on her new bed in WV

Mia on her new bed in WV

Because I was closing up the apartment, I only took Mia with me this time and I boarded the boys at the Yorkville Animal Hospital.   Mia is such a little sweetheart!   And a great traveller – except when she wanted to sit on my lap, which was the whole trip!   I tried to seatbelt her in for a while, but it was more fun to have her on my lap!

Her leg really seems to be doing well – when she walks around, she uses her leg fine.  When she runs sometimes, she still lifts it.  It is amazing how well it is healing!

Boy, this was the first time in a long time I had only one dog to take care of….I realize what a lot of work having all three really is!    But, though it is a challenge with the boys, I love them all dearly!

Sitting with Mia in the evenings, and just having her follow me around and look at me with that cute little face…I don’t know how anyone cannot love dogs!

Well, it took me much longer than I thought to pack up all my stuff from WV…boy, I sure had a lot of crap there!   But, I finally left late a.m. and got back home around 8:00 p.m.

Mama Mia!

Posted in Uncategorized on February 14th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment

Mia is doing well after her surgery. I took her to the vet Thursday, and the Dr. said she was doing well. I give her so much credit – she has a lot of spunk for just being a little thing!

Mia's hip out of its socket

Mia's hip out of its socket

The surgery results in her having a “false joint,” since they cut off the head of her femur – gross!   She is not jumping as high as she used to, i.e. she is not jumping on the bed, but, she does jump onto the couch!

For an old girl – she is 11, she is doing great!

Mia's hip with false joint after surgery

Mia's hip with false joint after surgery

Daily Routine…

Posted in General on February 10th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment

Every morning, it is the same thing…the alarm goes off and my day starts off with kisses from my three kids! Then,

The Bathroom Brigade

The Bathroom Brigade

immediately, it is time to go “peepees.” The whole gang then goes outside – thank goodness for my fenced in yard!

I then use this opportunity for some “private” bathroom time.   Then, I go searching for any presents that Bandit left for me overnight…and there is usually something.

After letting everyone in, it is breakfast time.  I put the boys’ food in their bowls, then fill Mia’s little bowl.  Of course, the boys always have to sample Mia’s food…even though it is the same!

When I am preparing to go into the shower, the “Bathroom Brigade” assembles.   All three park themselves in the doorway and make sure they keep an eye on me!  

When I get out of the shower, usually only Shelby and Bandit are left, but they do not leave until I am finished in the bathroom!

Then, it is time for “pills.”   Really, only Bandit gets his two meds, but Mia and Shelby also get treats along with Bandit.   I have gotten administering meds down to a science – Bandit’s 1-1/2 phenobarbitol pills are wrapped in some wet dog food and he just loves the treat!   For his liquid potassium bromide, rather than forcing it down his throat, I measure the liquid and put it on a 1/4 slice of bread, which I then smother in wet dog food.   Bandit then loves his little sandwich!  Of course, Shelby and Mia get the rest of the bread.

After I get dressed and while I eat breakfast, I let them out for one last time before I go.    The whole ritual takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes.    When I say goodbye, Mia barks her little bark and as I pull out of the driveway, Shelby is on the loveseat, looking out the window.    He will be there when I come home as well.

Road Trips and Dog People

Posted in West Virginia on February 2nd, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment

I love to drive! I mean, I really love to drive! Miles and miles of highways, cruise control – I love it! Thankfully, the dogs love it too!  All the dogs travel well – I usually put Mia in the passenger’s seat,and the boys are in the back of the Subaru – I have a dog guard, so that is their spot!    Of course, we make the appropriate number of rest stops depending upon the length of the journey.

The boys fighting over Mia's dish in WV

The boys fighting over Mia's dish in WV

As I mentioned before, last year, my job had me travel to West Virginia at least 2-3 weeks out of each month, so driving the 10-12 hour trip became our recurring road trip for 2008.    I returned yesterday after spending a week plus out east.   I returned actually a day early, to avoid a major storm that was forecast to hit the east coast.   So, we went through the traditional routine of me packing everything up, the dogs getting upset because they know I am leaving.    Don’t I always bring them with?   Yes, but they never seem to remember that!   Finally, I put them all in the car and then I do my last minute run-through the apartment to turn off the heat and lights, make sure I took out the garbage, and make sure I didn’t forget anything.

Once on the road, for the most part, the time is mine.   Driving Route 80 through Ohio and Indiana is just a great trip – put the car in cruise and drive!  This time, I had a minivan, so the boys were in the back, and I had Mia in a small cat crate, so she wouldn’t move aroung because of her hip.    We stopped at a rest stop, and I walked the boys.    I love the rest stops along route 80 – the truckers always talk to me when I have the dogs with me.   No matter how burly or surly the truckers look, I always get a smile when they see the dogs.  This time, I got two comments – one from a trucker who started telling me about his jack russell.  He actually had the dog with him and brought him out for a walk too.  Another trucker sporting a mullet asked me if the boys were Aussies.   I replied that they were, and he then proceeded to tell me about his Cardigan Welsh Corgis he had at home.

I really think that dogs bring out the best in people….and, remember never to  judge a book by its cover!

Dog Parks and the Joy of Running

Posted in Dog Park, Shelby, West Virginia on January 25th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment
Shelby with the dirty ball

Shelby with the dirty ball

It is amazing how dogs can recognize words…like “Dog Park.” When I ask the dogs if they want to go to the dog park, Shelby and Bandit will jump into the car, no questions asked! Shelby particularly, knows exactly when we are getting near Lincoln Dog Park in Aurora, our home park.

Today, we were going to the new dog park at Krepps Park in Morgantown, WV.   It is a beautiful park – wooded with rocks.   Not like Illinois terrain!   The boys ,  as usual, upon hearing the words “Do you want to go to the Dog Park?” were in the rental van instantly.   As I neared the park, I noticed the cars parked on both sides of the road near the colliseum…oh yeah, WVU Men’s Basketball game!   Cars had filled the parking lot of Krepps Park, but I was able to find a spot on the street directly across from the fenced in dog area.

The boys were so excited to get out of the van and into the park!  I let them in, and unfortunately, a woman with her dogs were just leaving, so no one was there to play with.  Bandit started running, and Shelby looked at me, waiting for the frisbee.  I did not bring it with, because I wanted him to run and play – and besides, I kept hitting the trees with the frisbee last time we were here!   But, with no other dogs at the park, a bored Shelby finally brought me a stick to throw.   We had a few exchanges before Shelby found the deflated basketball.   What a treat!   Shelby grabbed this wonderful thing and ran around, shaking it and bringing the dirty thing to me to throw!   My jeans and boots were covered in mud, but Shelby was focused on the ball and wanted nothing to do with other sticks or Bandit or anything else.

Bandit, on the other hand, had a look of total joy in his eyes as he ran around the park, nearly bowling me over as he usually does as he runs towards me.   Bandit has so much more energy than he used to have.   Now that he is relatively stable with his epilepsy meds, he has started to run more, and even tries to herd other dogs who come to the dog park.   When Brian with his dog Custer arrived, Bandit went into herding action, barking and trying to get Custer to run.   Custer would have nothing to do with it, and Bandit ended up running into him!

We were there about 45 minutes, and my gloves and jeans were already filthy from Shelby’s dirty ball.   I wanted to make sure that we got out of there before the basketball game ended – that would be a traffic nightmare!   But, the boys were not tired yet, so I decided to take them for a run offleash on the trails of Krepps Park outside the dog fence.   Shelby was in his element!   He loves to run, and he also gets the joy in his eyes as he runs ahead, but when I call him back, he is ears down, full speed ahead!   Bandit was much slower, running ahead a little, then waiting for me to catch up.   Shelby runs ahead, and started exploring off trail.   When I whistle, he returns, and when he is far ahead and I yell “Shelby, come!”  he runs, no holds barred, as fast as he can – really a beautiful sight.

They enjoy the run so much!   When running, I feel they are truly at one with their primevil selves.   They run, they are free, they run for the sake of running!   I love that look of joy in their eyes!

Mia – Surgery Story

Posted in Mia on January 23rd, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment
Little Mia

Little Mia

Little Mia…my eight pound pomeranian.    I will put in more details when I put together an individual page on her, but for now, I want to talk about her recent surgery.   

On Saturday, January 10, Mia tangled with Zoe, my friend Lilia’s 110 pound black lab….and Mia lost.    I came home from a seminar to find Lilia – who had come over with the good intentions of letting all three pups out to play.    Mia was nowhere to be found.    She told me that Mia had started barking at Zoe, and it quickly escalated.   Lilia said she threw her body over Zoe and Mia ran into the house to her hiding place under the bed.    When I returned and Lilia told me what had happened, we did not know the extent of Mia’s injuries.    When I reached under the bed, Mia bit me – something she would just never do.   Lilia said Mia had bit her as well.    I put on gloves and was able to get Mia out – though she was biting the whole time.   After bringing her into the living room and holding her, there were no visible signs of injury.    But the look in her eye was telling – it was blank.    I put her down and noticed that she lifted her left rear leg up, and though I moved it, she did not indicate she was in any pain.  Lilia and I did not know what to do, so we decided to take her to the emergency vet. 

After a trip to the VCA Animal Hospital, xrays revealed that Mia’s hip had come out of its socket.     The doctor said that they would anethesize her and manipulate the hip back into its socket – but there would be no guarantee that it would stay.   Surgery would be the only option.

After I picked her up Sunday, it was pretty obvious that after a short while, she was raising her leg and favoring it.    I took Mia to the new animal hospital in Yorkville on Monday, and scheduled her for surgery on Wednesday.

The surgery was called FHO – femoral head ostectemy, which is the same surgery they do for dogs with hip displaysia.   It involved actually cutting off the head of the femor and sewing up the muscle creating a false joint.  Yuck!  So I picked her up on Thursday after the surgery and her little leg was all shaved and had a 3″ incision with stitches!   But Mia was back to her old self – perky and cute!   Only problem – I was supposed to keep her still with limited movement for 28 days…..

It is now a little over a week after the surgery.   Mia seems to be healing, but keeping her quiet and still has been a challenge!   She has jumped onto and off of the couch a few times….I hope she is o.k.   She will get her stitches out next Friday.

West Virginia

Posted in West Virginia on January 21st, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment
Bandit relaxing in the bathroom in Morgantown, WV

Bandit relaxing in the bathroom in Morgantown, WV

The dogs and I made the trek out to Morgantown, WV. I have been traveling here for work basically all of 2008. I told my company that I was willing to travel….but I had to take my dogs! So, they rented me an apartment! It has really been a great experience, and having the dogs with me has made it even better!

This trip took a little longer than most…I got caught in a snowstorm in Indiana, and another one in PA, so 12 hours later we were there.

I had to keep Mia in a little crate which I strapped in the passenger’s seat so she wouldn’t move around after her operation….I haven’t told you about Mia’s operation yet…o.k. that will be tomorrow.

There is about 8 inches of light fluffy snow on the ground…the boys just love it! This a.m. there were deer tracks all around – right next to the apartment…of course, Bandit found some deer droppings…

I have been taking each dog out by themselves, as they each have different needs…I can only let Mia take a few steps so she is quick, Bandit has to walk and sniff and still won’t go until he finds just the right spot, and Shelby is quick to do his business…but he needs more of a walk to work off his energy.  

So, after coming home from work and taking care of Mia and Bandit, I took Shelby for an extended walk around the apartment complex.   We ran into Boyce and Guiness, so while Boyce and I discussed how much we loved the snow, Shelby and Guiness ran around, played, chased, and made their own little dog park!   Then, later, I took Shelby for round 2 at about 9:00.   As we made our way around the the complex and turned to walk on the gravel road next to the complex, Shelby stopped and pricked up his ears.   He could see or sense something ahead, so when I stopped and looked carefully, I saw what he saw…three deer had come up from the wooded valley.   They come for the birdseed and whatever else the apartment dwellers leave for them.   We stopped and watched them for a few seconds, before they silently headed back down the hill, only, I am sure, to come back up once we had passed.   Shelby did not make a sound, and once the deer had gone, he happily continued his walk.    Between the silence and the snow and now the deer, it sure made for a beautiful evening.

My Life with Dogs….

Posted in General on January 16th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment
Carol, Bandit, Mia and Shelby

Carol, Bandit, Mia and Shelby

Hello! My name is Carol, and I decided that the time was right to keep a journal of my life with dogs. My life has really started to revolve around dogs….even more so now that I have 3! So, in upcoming posts, I will give you the story of each of my dogs, Shelby, Bandit and Mia, and I will describe the sometimes funny, sometimes silly and sometimes stinky(!) things that happen while living my life with dogs!