
A Lot Has Changed….

Posted in General on December 29th, 2012 by Carol – Be the first to comment

A lot has changed since I last wrote in the blog.  I lost Bandit in July, 2010 and I lost Mia in March, 2012.   I will post tributes to them in the coming days.

Someone said to me while I was grieving that even though losing a dog is obviously very sad, it gives you the opportunity to know new dogs who you never would have gotten the chance to know….this is true….

On that note, I have added three more beautiful fur babies to my family – Panda, Jax and Katy.   So, along with Shelby this makes my family four dogs

strong!   I guess I can no longer say that I am having a “three dog night!”

I am posting pictures of the new dogs, and will tell you more about them in the coming days!   In the meantime, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and please have a safe and Happy New Year!

Here is little Katy posing for Christmas with some of her bear friends!

Here is little Katy posing for Christmas with some of her bear friends!

Panda is another Aussie friend for Shelby!

Panda is another Aussie friend for Shelby!

What a handsome boy Jax is!

What a handsome boy Jax is!


Daily Routine…

Posted in General on February 10th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment

Every morning, it is the same thing…the alarm goes off and my day starts off with kisses from my three kids! Then,

The Bathroom Brigade

The Bathroom Brigade

immediately, it is time to go “peepees.” The whole gang then goes outside – thank goodness for my fenced in yard!

I then use this opportunity for some “private” bathroom time.   Then, I go searching for any presents that Bandit left for me overnight…and there is usually something.

After letting everyone in, it is breakfast time.  I put the boys’ food in their bowls, then fill Mia’s little bowl.  Of course, the boys always have to sample Mia’s food…even though it is the same!

When I am preparing to go into the shower, the “Bathroom Brigade” assembles.   All three park themselves in the doorway and make sure they keep an eye on me!  

When I get out of the shower, usually only Shelby and Bandit are left, but they do not leave until I am finished in the bathroom!

Then, it is time for “pills.”   Really, only Bandit gets his two meds, but Mia and Shelby also get treats along with Bandit.   I have gotten administering meds down to a science – Bandit’s 1-1/2 phenobarbitol pills are wrapped in some wet dog food and he just loves the treat!   For his liquid potassium bromide, rather than forcing it down his throat, I measure the liquid and put it on a 1/4 slice of bread, which I then smother in wet dog food.   Bandit then loves his little sandwich!  Of course, Shelby and Mia get the rest of the bread.

After I get dressed and while I eat breakfast, I let them out for one last time before I go.    The whole ritual takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes.    When I say goodbye, Mia barks her little bark and as I pull out of the driveway, Shelby is on the loveseat, looking out the window.    He will be there when I come home as well.

My Life with Dogs….

Posted in General on January 16th, 2009 by Carol – Be the first to comment
Carol, Bandit, Mia and Shelby

Carol, Bandit, Mia and Shelby

Hello! My name is Carol, and I decided that the time was right to keep a journal of my life with dogs. My life has really started to revolve around dogs….even more so now that I have 3! So, in upcoming posts, I will give you the story of each of my dogs, Shelby, Bandit and Mia, and I will describe the sometimes funny, sometimes silly and sometimes stinky(!) things that happen while living my life with dogs!